AY 2025
- April 1:
- ICRE guidance
AY 2024
- April 2:
- ICRE guidance
- April 5:
ICRE Entrance ceremony
- July 13:
- Entrance examinations for Special Educational Programs
- July 20:
- Entrance examinations for Doctoral Courses
- July 30 and August 1:
Midterm Presentation of Doctoral course
- August 2:
Final Defense of Master course
- August 2:
Midterm Presentation of Master course
- August 9:
- Final Defense of Doctoral course
- September 17:
- New semester guidance
- September 26:
ICRE graduation ceremony
- October 4:
ICRE entrance ceremony
- October 18:
Special Lecture
- December 2:
ICRE Salon
- December 7:
- Entrance examinations for Special Educational Programs
- December 14:
- Entrance examinations for Doctoral Courses
- December 16:
- A joint workshop organized by the Special Education Program students
- January:
- Interview for MEXT scholarship
- January 21:
- Communication in Science
- January 21:
ICRE/UY-SP Special Seminar
- February 3, 4 and 6:
Final Defense of Doctoral course
- February 3 and 4:
Midterm Presentation of Doctoral course
- February 18:
Final Defense of Master course
- February 19:
- Midterm Presentation of Master course
- March 11:
- ICRE/UY-SP Special Seminar
- March 19:
- ICRE graduation ceremony
AY 2023
- April 3:
- New semester guidance
- April 6:
- ICRE Entrance ceremony
- July 8:
- Entrance examinations for Special Educational Programs
- July 15:
- Entrance examinations for Doctoral Courses
- August 7:
Final Defense of Master course
- August 7:
Midterm Presentation of Master course
- August 7:
Final Defense of Doctoral course
- September 8:
- The 3rd International Symposium on Water Environment for Young researchersf Network (WEYN)
- September 20:
- New semester guidance
- September 26:
ICRE graduation ceremony
- September 29:
- New semester guidance
- October 6:
ICRE entrance ceremony
- October 6:
Communication in Science
- November 13:
ICRE/UY-SP Special Seminar
- December 2:
- Entrance examinations for Special Educational Programs
- December 9:
- Entrance examinations for Doctoral Courses
- December 9:
- Interview for MEXT scholarship
- December 19 - 21:
- The 8th SURF International Workshop
- January 25:
ICRE/UY-SP Special Seminar
- January 26:
Communication in Science
- February 1 and 19:
Midterm Presentation of Doctoral course (Feb 1, Feb 19)
- February 2 and 19:
Midterm Presentation of Master course (Feb 2A Feb 19)
- February 16:
Final Defense of Master course
- March 22:
ICRE graduation ceremony
AY 2022
- April 1:
- New semester guidance
- April 6:
Entrance ceremony
- June 14:
Special Lecture
- July 1:
Communication in Science
- July 9:
- Entrance examinations for Special Educational Programs
- July 16:
- Entrance examinations for Doctoral Courses
- August 2:
Final Defense of Doctoral course
- August 9:
Final Defense of Master course
- September 2:
The 2nd International Symposium on Water Environment for Young researchersf Network (WEYN)
- September 20:
- New semester guidance
- September 26:
Special program midterm presentation
- September 27:
ICRE graduation ceremony
- October 17:
ICRE entrance ceremony
- December 3:
- Entrance examinations for Special Educational Programs
- December 5:
- ICRE Online Salon
- December 10:
- Entrance examinations for Doctoral Courses
- January 20:
- Symposium on special educational programs
- February 3:
- Midterm Presentation of Doctoral course
- February 6 - 9:
- Interview for MEXT scholarship
- February 9:
- Special program midterm presentation
- February 16:
- Final Defense of Master course
- March 23:
ICRE graduation ceremony