
Special Lecture on River Basin Environment I

Date: 8-11 September 2009
Place: B1-336

8-9 September 2009
Dr. Yasuo Nihei (Tokyo University of Science)

10-11 September 2009
Dr. Motoyuki Ushiyama (Center for Integrated Research and Education of Natural hazards, Shizuoka University)

Dr. Yasuo Nihei

Dr. Yasuo Nihei

Dr. Motoyuki Ushiyama

Dr. Motoyuki Ushiyama

Lecture room

University of Yamanashi
Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment
4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu Yamanashi 400-8511 Japan

copyright (c) 2009 Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment.
All rights reserved.