Graduate School Education

The Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment aims to nurture talented people with broad knowledge of water environments who, backed up by deep specialized knowledge of the field, also possess (1) the ability to clarify natural features of drainage basins (present status and characteristics), (2) the adaptability and simulation skills to apply advanced technologies and research to the natural features of river basins, (3) the ability to propose methods of utilizing data to manage river basins, and (4) the ability to collect, categorize, and utilize data necessary to obtain new knowledge concerning river basin environments.

Therefore, in addition to the existing Ph.D. Course, "International Special Doctoral Course for Integrated River Basin Management", a new Masters Course, "Special Master Course Program on International River Basin Environmental Science" has been established.

ICRE Commencemnt Ceremony in Mar. 2016
ICRE Commencemnt Ceremony in Mar. 2016

University of Yamanashi
Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment
4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu Yamanashi 400-8511 Japan

copyright (c) 2009 Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment.
All rights reserved.