Educational Content and System

1. Links between world-class sciences and education

  • Students gain a trans-boundary knowledge of hydrology, quality, microbiology, sanitary engineering, planning, and medicine. The "Research Salon," meanwhile, encourages free discussions of sciences across laboratory borders.
  • Students develop skills and get opportunities to interact through various collaborative projects. Practical work and fieldwork are compulsory.
  • Students have chances to gain valuable experience overseas, including the "International Exchange Program" based on Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), which sends and receives students and researchers. The alumni network (SURF) also continues to spur and propel many international collaborative projects.

2. Establishing an international standard

  • Multi-supervision and careful, thorough guidance through "Closed Discussions" every semester
  • Flexible connections between Master's and Doctoral courses
  • A rigorous evaluation system for degree assessment ("Confirmation," "Mid-term Assessment," and "Final Defense")
  • A multi-nationality environment (15 countries, international co-supervision, and coursework in English)
  • Support for student life (cross-culture parties, career-path guidance, special office, scholarships, and travel support, etc.)

University of Yamanashi
Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment
4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu Yamanashi 400-8511 Japan

copyright (c) 2009 Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment.
All rights reserved.