News & Events

Welcome ceremony and Welcome party (Internship from HUS and AIT)

23 Aug (Fri)
9:30-11:00 Welcome ceremony at B1-336
1) welcome note from the ICRE director: Prof. Sakamoto
2) self-introduction: all
3) presentations from ICRE students: Kamei & Ebata

Prof. Sakamoto Mr. Hung Mr. Bach Mr. Manish Ms. Dung B1-336 Mr. Kamei Mr. Ebata Group photo

18:00-20:00 Welcome party at T1-8F (Science Cafe)

kanpai aikido song of Vietnam song of Nepal Prof. Hirayama kanpai (Vietnam ver.)

University of Yamanashi
Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment
4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu Yamanashi 400-8511 Japan

copyright (c) 2007 Interdisciplinary Centre for River Basin Environment.
All rights reserved.